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Anna Bracher


Gentle Sleep Support for Babies and Toddlers


  • CategorySleep Consultant
  • Job LocationVirtually
  • Location:
    Dublin, Ireland


  • Nurturing Sleep Solutions Programme
    6 week programme to help you go from feeling exhausted and confused about your baby's requent multiple night awakenings to feeling rested and energised without sleep training. 6 week programme with ongoing weekly group support calls.


  • First Aid Certificate
  • Babyem Qualified
  • Qualified Paedriatric Sleep Consultant
  • Sleep Training - Gentle Sleep Method
  • Qualifications Available Upon Request
  • References Available Upon Request

Dear Family

As a fully certified holistic sleep coach, I provide families with responsive and holistic sleep support without sleep training or leaving babies to cry. I am a UK registered nurse and health visitor. After qualifying as a nurse almost a decade ago, I worked in a variety of settings before settling for my true passion: supporting the health and wellbeing of families. I, therefore, trained as a health visitor up to a masters degree level. I love empowering families with information and support as well as offering a non-judgemental listening ear.

Services & Technique

I am a fully certified holistic sleep coach. My methods prioritise connection, holisitic wellbeing and focus on your baby's unique sleep needs. I support parents who are exhausted and struggling with multiple night awakenings as well as babies who are sensitive, unsettled or "higher needs". I offer one to one support and group coaching in a community of other like minded parents who are also struggling with sleep.


I am a fully certified holistic sleep coach. Additionally, I am a UK registered nurse, health visitor and IBCLC (internation board certified lactation consultant) and have supported hunderds of families.

