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Nurse Expert


  • CategoryMaternity Nurse
  • Location:
    Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland


  • Package 1
    1 hour session

Dear Family

I'm a Mum of two kids earthside plus as a first-time dog owner I'm on a learning curve with our dog names Sydney. My husband is English which means he will never ever support any Australian sporting teams and that my surname doesn't reflect my Armenian background. We met during our time working at Lenovo and here we are 15 years later living on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. I found the entry into motherhood smacked be between the eyeballs for two key reasons. Firstly, I have struggled with generalised anxiety my whole life and had built so many tools in place to help me and all of these came under fire once I became a Mum. Secondly, no one really prepared me for how hard the adaptation would be as a spreadsheet-loving, to-do lister, someone who loves to create order from chaos, who valued predictability and being able to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Everything to do with sleep and parenting felt confronting as I just wanted someone to tell me the one right way to do it all, give me the workflow! I wish I had the type of support I offer now back when I was going through that so that my journey was different. I love authentic connections with people, am highly empathic and am equally balanced in terms of my right and left brain which are all important parts of why I believe I'm great at what I do. Serving parents with lots of heart and lots of knowledge. The balance between academics and intuition. I'm also a singer which is a very different side of me and am returning to the stage this year after being on hiatus for many years where most of the songs aimed at kids so involving eating veggies, farting or ridiculous subject matter.


I entered this business since 2017 and took the helm of the business in 2020 as a Holistic Sleep Coach. I am a Sleep Expert for a number of groups including: - One Fine Baby Expo Melbourne - one of Australia's largest baby​/​pregnancy expos - Nurturehood Australia - a mother​/​baby class combining the best early childhood research, with plenty of fun and games thrown in - Gentle, Attachment & Responsive Parenting - Australia I have a background in Adult Education which enables me to be an effective educator and coach. Also having struggled with anxiety and difficult Post Natal Anxiety with both my children, I have both knowledge and empathy with all the difficult thoughts and feelings that can come about as a parent which enables me to serve with compassion and relevant support. I have a deep interest in research and study and being able to have deep knowledge about all the different factors that can influence sleep. This experience means I'm often able to pick up on things or connect dots that have previously been missed. What parents share with me consistently is that I help them feel calm, heard, supported and that my knowledge base is so helpful often resulting in me picking up on things that have flown under the radar up till meeting me. The practitioners who refer to me often say 'I didn't know there was someone like you' as they understand my depth of knowledge and my ability to undertake a skilled and holistic assessment of sleep.

