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Buttons Preschool Early Years Service


Very popular crèche in Wicklow Town


  • Opening Hours9:30 - 12:30, Monday - Friday
  • Location:
    Talbot St, North City, Dublin, Ireland

Operating Hours

  • Part-Time

Age Group

  • 2 - 3 years old
  • 3 - 4 years old


  • Indoor Play Area
  • Art and Craft Area


  • ECCE Scheme Supported

Dear Family

We are a popular sessional Montessori Playschool providing ECCE & NCS. We are passionate about giving your child a positive playschool experience.

Approach and Philosophy

We practice the Montessori teaching method- this means we involve children's natural interests and activities rather than formal teaching methods.

Facilities and Amenities

We have beautiful indoor and outdoor play areas. We have many toys that your child will find both fun and educational. We also love to do arts and crafts, so have a lot of arts and craft equipment.

Staff and Qualifications

Staff are highly qualified and experienced. We are fully insured with Kidd Insurances and Tusla registered and approved.

Safety and Security Measures

Your child will be supervised at all times and have their safety prioritised to ensure they learn and play in an environment they are comfortable and safe in
