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Let's Go Summer Camp


Multi-activity, sport-based camp


  • CategoryCamps
  • Start Date
    February, 2024
  • Location:
    Sandymount, Dublin, Ireland

Camp Type

  • Day Camp


  • Sports
  • Games

Age Group

  • 5 - 6 years old
  • 6 - 8 years old
  • 8 - 10 years old
  • 10 - 12 years old

Dear Family

We are proud to be a very popular camp, with many children who continuously attend. We have received countless excellent reviews from parents whose children have enjoyed their Let's Go summer camp experience. Dates: 1st-5th July 2024 Colaiste Chill Mhantain Book Via: https://www.letsgo.ie/book-now/wicklow---summer-camp-with-vr/ Our programmes have been fine-tuned through 35 years of experience and feedback from parents and campers. Our camps run from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 3:30pm, with the only exception being bank holidays, when camp starts on the Tuesday. Children will have two supervised breaks each day. Your child will need to bring a packed lunch, snacks and plenty of drinks with them. Registration takes place on the first morning of the camp, where campers are divided into age groups. Our camp manager will welcome all the campers and introduce our staff to them. Classes commence no later than 10.30 a.m. on the first morning. An attendance roll is taken each morning. Class lasts for 40 minutes. Each child will have an opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities throughout the week. Children should not bring mobile phones to camp. Should they require them after camp, they must remain powered off in their bags. We are not responsible for lost or damaged phones. To avoid congestion, we may stagger collection times. If you have more than one child to collect, they can all be collected at the one collection time. Our 7-12 year old camp involves the following: Zorbee Ball Bouncy Castle Disco Dome Air Mountain Archery Assault Course Human Table Football Wobbly Ladder Connect 4 in a Throw KMX Karts Hoola Mania Pursuit Ball Brick Works Ultimate Zone Play Badminton Bench Ball Lacrosse Rounders Pelmanism Fun Orienteering Hoppers Parachute Games Bocce Bowls Soccer Wrecking Ball Danish Longball Crab Soccer Gaelic Football Tip Rugby Unihoc Olympic Handball Flingsock Games Basketball Athletics Foot Golf Tug O' War Team Challenge Superstars Camp Games Let’s Go! Bingo Speed Stacking Frisbee Games Let's Go Olympic Challenge Our camp leaders all have experience in working with children and will encourage all children to get involved, be inclusive and work well as a team. With our programme being so full of group activities, we aim to improve your child's interpersonal skills in a fun and active setting!

Facilities and Amenities

Each Let’s Go! Multi-Activity Summer Camp offers two programmes of activities, one for the 5-6 year olds (children must be attending primary school) and the second for aged 7-12 year olds. These programmes have been designed by our expert team of physical education teachers with your children in mind at all times. Our 5-6 year old programme involves the following activities: Bouncy Castle Pony Cycles Air Mountain Disco Dome Assault Course Wobbly Ladder Team Challenge Parachute Games Pursuit Ball Brick Works Face Painting Short Tennis Musical Games Bean Bag Toss Frisbee Games Teddy Bear Picnic Unihoc Soccer Skittles Athletics Camp Games Construction Toys Hoola Mania Ball​/​Coordination Skills Hoppers Indoor Bowls Story Time Buzzy Bingo Arts & Crafts Flingsock Games Speed Stacking Hero Zone VR Our 7-12 year old camp involves the following: Zorbee Ball Bouncy Castle Disco Dome Air Mountain Archery Assault Course Human Table Football Wobbly Ladder Connect 4 in a Throw KMX Karts Hoola Mania Pursuit Ball Brick Works Ultimate Zone Play Badminton Bench Ball Lacrosse Rounders Pelmanism Fun Orienteering Hoppers Parachute Games Bocce Bowls Soccer Wrecking Ball Danish Longball Crab Soccer Gaelic Football Tip Rugby Unihoc Olympic Handball Flingsock Games Basketball Athletics Foot Golf Tug O' War Team Challenge Superstars Camp Games Let’s Go! Bingo Speed Stacking Frisbee Games Let's Go Olympic Challenge

Staff and Qualifications

We pride ourselves on our professionally-trained staff, which is dedicated to its work at Let's Go! Our teaching staff consists of Physical Education teachers, Primary and Secondary School teachers, as well as undergraduates from various Irish colleges. A significant number of our staff return each summer to work on our summer camps, adding to the strength of the team. New recruits are selected after an interview process. All successful candidates are Garda vetted and receive training prior to working on our camps. Our teaching staff actively encourages each camper's full involvement, thereby ensuring they extract the maximum benefit. All our staff members are dependable, enthusiastic, outgoing, knowledgeable and truly caring individuals.

Safety and Security Measures

The programme will operate to the highest safety standards. By accepting the terms you are giving permission for your child​/​children to partake in activities that may be dangerous and cause a risk of personal injury or death, and that you accept these risks on behalf of the child​/​children. Such activities include the KMX Karting activity, all inflatable games, mobile Climbing Wall, Spider Climbing Tower and Air Jumper. Let’s Go! operate activities with health and safety key to the operation of these events. For Health & Safety reasons, children may be asked to remove glasses, shoes, socks, peaked caps on some activities. Let’s Go! Summer Schools Ltd have full public liability cover for all activities undertaken. Personal Accident Insurance against injury, accident, or loss whilst at camp is your responsibility (the name of the person who made the booking online or by telephone). In the event of an injury or accident involving, you accept in your booking that Let's Go! summer Schools Limited will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or associated with their participation in the activities, and thereby waiver any claims against Let's Go! Summer Schools Ltd in this regard. You hereby release, waive, forever hold harmless, indemnify and keep indemnified Let's Go! Summer Schools Ltd from all claims for any injury, loss or damage sustained by the child​/​children out of or in connection with the failure of the child​/​children to follow safety instructions, guideline, instructions and rules outlined.

Nutrition and Meal Plans

Children will have two supervised breaks each day. Your child will need to bring a packed lunch, snacks and plenty of drinks with them.

Inclusion and Diversity

Our camp leaders all have experience in working with children and will encourage all children to get involved, be inclusive and work well as a team. With our programme being so full of group activities, we aim to improve your child's interpersonal skills in a fun and active setting!

Additional Information

We are proud to be a very popular camp, with many children who continuously attend. We have received countless excellent reviews from parents whose children have enjoyed their Let's Go summer camp experience. Dates: 1st-5th July 2024 Colaiste Chill Mhantain


Flexible Pricing