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Maisie Ruttan


Parenting Coach


  • CategoryBack-To-Work Coach
  • Job LocationVirtually
  • Location:
    Dublin, Ireland

Dear Family

Hey, I’m Maisie! A family sleep specialist and parenting coach. I’m also a boy-mom to a couple of energetic twins who challenge me every day. I’m the mom with the messy “mom bun,” yoga pants, and sticky floors. I have been where you are, and know how hard parenting can feel. Heck I’m still there some days! 😵‍💫 I live in a small town, on the west coast of Canada, with my husband, and the twins. We’ve got a couple of rescue cats, and are newly raising chickens on our “wanna be homestead.” In the evenings you can find me reading, scrolling or watching netflix while my hubby does bedtime. And, other than that, I’m waddling through the parenting trenches just like you!


When working together I’ll be your biggest fan, your go-to support person and your sleep sherpa. I’ll be sharing a wealth of knowledge, tools and insights that pull from more than 17 years of experience working with families in various capacities I’ve had the privilege of speaking at several online conferences, offering professional development for sleep coaches and childcare professionals. I’ve also been a mentor for less experienced sleep coaches learning to better support families with multiples, and children beyond infancy. I have coached hundreds of families using my Heart-Centered, FREEDOM Framework, and can confidently say it works (even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything).


per hour
Flexible Pricing