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Paediatric sleep consultant


  • CategorySleep Consultant
  • Job LocationVirtually
  • Location:
    Prior's Land, Limerick, Co. Limerick, Ireland


  • Sleep Shaping Package
    This is for parents to be, or new parents with a baby under 4 months. Babies under 16 weeks do not have a fully developed circadian rhythm so are too young to use any sleep training techniques. I can support you to shape your baby’s sleep with positive habits to prepare them for independent sleep. This will be tailored to your family and your specific needs. This package includes: - 45 minutes 1:1 video call to discuss newborn sleep - Supporting newborn sleep plan
  • Standard Sleep Support Package
    This is for families with babies over 4 months or young children up to the age of 5. I can support you to improve issues your little one is having around sleep and empower you to make positive changes. This package includes: - Sleep log and questionnaire prior to our meeting - 45 minute 1:1 video call - Fully personalised dream chasing sleep plan - 1 week of daily text support (Monday to Friday 9-5)
  • Premier Sleep Support Package
    This is for families with babies over 4 months or young children up to the age of 5. I can support you to improve issues your little one is having around sleep and empower you to make positive changes. This package includes: - Sleep log and questionnaire prior to our meeting - 60 minute 1:1 video call - Fully personalised dream chasing sleep plan - 2 weeks of daily text support (Monday to Friday 9-5) - 1 x 15 minute phone or video call in the weeks following the meeting
  • Ultimate Sleep Support Package
    This is for families with babies over 4 months or young children up to the age of 5. I can support you to improve issues your little one is having around sleep and empower you to make positive changes. This package includes: - Sleep log and questionnaire prior to our meeting - 60 minute 1:1 video call - Fully personalised dream chasing sleep plan - 3 weeks of daily text support (Monday to Friday 9-5) - 3 x 15 minute phone or video calls in the weeks following the meeting


  • First Aid Certificate
  • Qualified Paedriatric Sleep Consultant
  • Sleep Training - Gentle Sleep Method
  • Qualifications Available Upon Request
  • References Available Upon Request

Dear Family

Hi im Tess 🙋‍♀️ Im a certified sleep consultant, paediatrician, and a mum of twins. I live in Aberdeenshire with my husband, our 3 year old twin boys and our crazy dog 🐕‍🦺 I have worked as a doctor for over 12 years, the last 10 of which were as a paediatrician. In 2023 I qualified as a paediatric sleep consultant from the London School of Childcare Studies, achieving a Merit grade. I work with families from pregnancy, to give them the knowledge to get their babies sleep off to a great start, then babies and children up to the age of 5. I suggest gentle techniques focusing on connection to your little one. Having had twins, during a pandemic, with a husband who works offshore, I understand more than ever the impact of poor sleep and how this can affect your mental health as a parent. I feel grateful to get to use the knowledge and skills I have gained as a sleep consultant, doctor, and mum to empower families to make positive changes to their children's sleep. My passion is to help children and families develop a healthy relationship with sleep. By providing personalised support and guidance, I empower families with the knowledge and skills to ensure that their child can get the sleep they need to be healthier and happier. I am here to support and encourage you to make gentle changes to improve your child's sleep. I believe in thinking about sleep holistically and consider the wider factors that impact sleep. I can equip you with the tools to support your child to develop positive, long lasting habits surrounding sleep which can last a lifetime. I understand sleep science, medical conditions which can impact on sleep and the impact of poor sleep on a child mentally and physically but most importantly I understand what it is like to be a mum. I will not judge you for the way you have tried to get your child to sleep, or the way sleep deprivation is making you feel. If you feel ready to make a change, please get in touch ❤️

Services & Technique

My role is to help your family get the sleep you need to thrive! I support families from before baby is born, to children up to the age of 5 years. I offer various packages of support which all include analysis of a sleep log, 1:1 consultation and personalised sleep plan with levels of follow up to support you through the changes. For parents to be I offer a 1:1 consultation and sleep tips plan to fill you with the skills and knowledge you need to get your baby off to a good start with sleep. I suggest looking at sleep holistically and use gentle techniques focusing on connection with your little one.


I qualified as a doctor in 2011 and went on to specialise in paediatrics. I worked with neonates and children up to the age of 16 with various acute and chronic medical conditions. In 2017 I volunteered in Myanmar, supporting sick children and teaching emergency paediatric care to doctors and nurses around the country. I always took an interest in sleep while working as a paediatrician and did a project developing sleep guidelines and another looking at the use of medication and sleep. In 2020 I had my twin boys and I was determined that they would sleep well! A lot of reading and experimenting later I have two kids who love their bed and I am very grateful for this! This gave me the drive to learn more and use my skills and knowledge to help other families. Since qualifying as a sleep consultant I have supported families with young babies and children with various goals, such as breaking the habit of feeding to sleep, longer overnight sleep and calmer bedtimes, amongst many others. If you are unsure if your goal for your little one's sleep is something I can support you with please get in touch.

