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Hello, I'm Laura.

We are a busy​,​ bustling family of five. Myself and my husband​,​ Daragh live in Blackrock with our three beautiful children; Chloe (6)​,​ Lauren (4) and baby Conor (18 months). Chloe goes to the local school​,​ Lauren is excited to join her in September and Conor currently attends the local creche while Daragh and I are at work.

My Parenting Style

We believe in fostering a happy, healthy and open environment where our children can learn, grow, feel safe and be kids :) Education is important to us and we are vigilent with homework, but also make sure our kids all have plenty of wind down time after a busy day. We are not authoritarian in our style and generally find compromises to any requests, whether it's treats or tv!

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