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Hello, I'm Anita OBrien.

We are an Indian-Irish couple with over a decade of experience working in tech​,​ Meta for me​,​ and Udemy for my husband​,​ blending our cultures and values beautifully in our family life. We live in our own home in the charming town of Skerries​,​ where my husband grew up​,​ surrounded by its picturesque scenery and close-knit community. Our family is filled with love​,​ and we feel truly blessed to have a happy​,​ healthy baby boy who brings us endless joy. He will be 1 in February. We’re fortunate to have supportive grandparents and my husband’s family around​,​ enriching our lives with their presence and care. Together​,​ we cherish the small moments that make life so special.

My Parenting Style

Our parenting style is gentle but firm, as we believe in balancing compassion with clear boundaries and consistent guidance. We use positive reinforcement to celebrate our child’s efforts and accomplishments, encouraging confidence and motivation. Creating a stimulating environment is a priority for us, with opportunities for exploration, learning, and creativity. We strive to understand our child’s emotions while guiding him toward independence and responsibility in a calm, respectful way. Our goal is to foster a strong bond built on trust, love, and mutual respect, while nurturing their growth and potential.

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